Lecturer in Finance
Department of Banking and Finance
University of Southampton
Highfield Campus, SO17 1BJ
Forthcoming: Tests of global flights to safety with US financial firm bankruptcy announcements (with Panayiotis Papakyriakou, Athanasios Sakkas, and Theodosis Kallenos)
European Financial Management (see the SSRN version)
2022: Estimating corporate bankruptcy forecasting models by maximizing discriminatory power (with Chris Charalambous and Spiros Martzoukos),
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (see the journal version or the SSRN version)
2020: Predicting corporate bankuptcy using the framework of Leland-Toft: Evidence from the U.S. (with Chris Charalambous and Spiros Martzoukos),
Quantitative Finance (see the journal version or the SSRN version)
2019: The impact of terrorist attacks in G7 countries on international stock markets and the role of investor sentiment (with Panayiotis Papakyriakou and Athanasios Sakkas),
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money (see the journal version or the SSRN version)​
2019: Financial firm bankruptcies, international stock markets, and investor sentiment (with Panayiotis Papakyriakou and Athanasios Sakkas),
International Journal of Finance and Economics (see the journal version or the SSRN version)​
2023: A neuro-structural framework for bankruptcy prediction (with Chris Charalambous and Spiros Martzoukos)
Quantitative Finance (see journal version or the SSRN version)